Sunday, September 25, 2005


So, today seems to be going better health wise, though it may still be too early to tell.

Last night the Megleg came over and listened to my problems and then told me some amazing news: Rehnquist is dead. I had no idea. I was in the woods for a good three weeks, but did listen to the news a few times, with no mention of his passing. Wow, that is gonna take some internet searching to sink in properly. She also brought over the newly shorn B-dog which made my puppa a hella lot happier, having been bored to death by my presence.


Have I mentioned lately how wonderful Flickr is? I love it. I just found a fellow that has a map on Flickr with links to open pictures for the city or locale. I sure wish I could figure out how to do that.

I also hung out with the kids last night, I didn't drink a hella lot, being ill and all, but had quite a bit of fun. It's nice to have such good people in my life. Now I just have to make sure I'm a good person in return.

So tomorrow is the big day. I have to figure out the path my life will take in the next months/years. The first concern is to find a money source, and since I don't think there is anyway I can take out another loan, that means I'll be finding a job to tide me over until I have to take the bar again in February. My creativity will however be tied up in the meantime figuring out the answer to the inevitable "So are you a lawyer now? and How'd the bar go?" Ah well, just a piece of humble pie. And am I hungry now.

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