Monday, March 28, 2005


So last night another night terror. This one presented the same problem, something bad happening that I am totally unable to prevent or remedy. Last night, a serial killer, I'm a lawyer/detective. I have to find the killer, so says the albino from Powergirls. So I try, and find him. He keeps a man on a wooden platform under water, has for the last 40 years. The serial killer likes me, I was in the bathroom when he killed his last victim, and took the pictures of me out...tampering with evidence. Anyway, the main part of the dream takes place after I catch the guy, I knock him out after he shows me how he has done things. I am doing well, until I try to find a damn copper to take care of the rest. Every one is completely incompetent. One has another appointment, one is taking care of two kids with toy guns. I run around town, not able to get a cop, while the killer is well, escaping. So I go back to try and kill him, he's gone. Great. Very Silence of the Lambs, crossed with reality tv, and impending career in law.

I am sure these dreams all boil down to my inability of getting things done for school, no matter how I try, something else always intervenes. Lame. Maybe if I can just finish something, I won't feel so impotent. Because I cannot sleep this way. Maybe I am not supposed to sleep, and should get stuff done instead.


Anonymous said...

aarrrggghhh! a new sleep study finds that sleep disorders may be contagious. does this mean that dreams are communicable

jkf said...

Hmmmm, cop killer, not a bad idea. Maybe anyone that gets in my way, I should just off. Then I won't feel so impotent.

Contagious dreams? I believe it, like yawning. But how do you catch them, those dreams?

Anon is ok, the timing means that the post is likely from an out east friend, they have no time for a blog. But thanks crappy, I know, I am rather brutal on myself. Unfortunately, my training has molded me only to motivate when there are dire consequences. And I am the best at creating situations that cause me great pain, even if just in my head.

great sandwich! said...

i think they are contagious. i had a dream last night that i was mua'dib from dune (and the best warrior in the universe), only i was old and i had a neurological disorder which made it difficult to grip things. anyway, i was training my daughter in knife fighting. she wanted to spar with me, and i didn't want anyone to know about my condition (and that i might be dying), so i try to divert her attention, but she won't take no for an answer. finally, i relent, hoping i can get it together long enough to fake my way through a knife fight. she comes at me, i try what should be an easy block with my right arm, and the blade goes flying out of my hand, pitching me over onto my face. she stabs me in the back (giving me "a good scar to remind me"). how embarrassing.