Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Waste of time

I have taken two classes in law school that were complete wastes of time. Interestingly enough, they are both taught by the same professor. I mis-planned my classes and had to take ethics with the same professor that taught me nothing about legal writing. We are currently (I am in class) talking about racism in the South. We have been talking about it for 20 minutes. We're supposed to be talking about conflicts of interest. I am learning nothing. This is a waste of my time. I always feel bad because I miss this class (it is at 9:00A.M.), and whenever the hell I come to class, I regret it. I know, he looks like Phillip K. Dick, that is not enough for me. If he looked like Fabio, I could forgive his lack of ability to teach. (and not because I find Fabio attractive, but because he would be funny to look at).

Oh well, soon off to work, and more misery. Then back for tax, even more....


great sandwich! said...

i remember that day in ethics last year well. i couldn't believe the load of crap spewing forth from our colleague's mouths. i left the classroom in tears.

jkf said...

The thing was that one of the minority students thought that it was just fine and dandy to not let a jew litigate. I tuned out at that point, but someone, thankfully, later stated, well what if it was a woman, or a black person. The other person didn't change their mind though. It was sad.
I can understand wanting to pander to a jury. At the same time, either give people a little credit or f'em. Hell, we get to pick the jury, and why did I become a lawyer? So that I could effect change, in the only way I can, cuz I'm burnt out on the grass-roots shit. Damn borgs, nice way to assimilate.

Scriptsaurus said...

You shouldn't throw around Star Trek references so glibly. ;)