Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Something bad seems to happen every single day. I am getting used to it, so at least when the bad thing happens it is no surprise. God seems to enjoy putting more hurdles in my way, just because I am actually finally getting something done. So cynical I am. Maybe that's why my friends give me liquor for presents. I bet I am more funny when drunk, or at least less morose.

Yesterday I got into an e-mail war with Health Services, them telling me I was asking too much of them, me telling them they were incompetent. So now I need a doctor and a gynocologist, and if I don't get my records by Monday (likely not), I am missing an appointment at PP, that I had to schedule weeks out.

Today, it was the wrong checks from the bank, just a headache for something that should be simple and easy and non-problematic, arrrrghh.

The good thing that happened today, was that I was able to make a tax issue out of thin air at work, they and the opposing side had no idea that tax procedure was so important. Like admiralty and elder law, don't mess unless you know.

What will it be tomorrow? I can barely wait to find out. A splinter, perhaps a car accident, a lost or stolen item, or diarrhea. So exciting. Thank you Lord for rising from the dead. I am not sure what the hell good it did (apologies to believers - I know it gave me some damn fine lamb to eat and a boxing match to watch).


Scriptsaurus said...

Three things to keep you young:

1) Hating
2) Cursing
3) Drinking

The drinking doesn't make the pain or the bitching go away. It just makes you more eloquent.

jkf said...

Hell yeah beyotch!