Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Well, I will not be posting much for the next couple of months. While studying for finals my computer is always on my lap, and distractions are necessary. No more. I'm at school from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm every day, studying my rump off. I don't take my computer with me so that I am not distracted. Then I come home and ignore the world. Sorry to those of you that have just joined my readership and those that are faithful. Likely though, most of you are gonna be outta commission for a while too. So, a blog break. But before I go....

A seamonkey update: The lone survivor of the toilet incident has passed on. There is one critter left, about a week old. I'm gonna get new materials and start over from scratch, adding the new guy to the batch of course. Wish me better luck this time. Any survivors will be my bar buddies for life.

So, that's that...catch you all on the flip side...

1 comment:

Scriptsaurus said...

Sheeit biskit. May your dedication last and pays off bigtime.