Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Onion 2056

If you haven't looked at the Onion in a while, please, follow this link. The clever, futuristic format alone makes it worth a look. The Onion 2056


Scriptsaurus said...

There's a heck of a lot of dirty stuff in that.

thugwithyoyo said...

Thanks for bringing the new futurized onion to my attention. I really liked the article about the Genetically Modified farmers.

jkf said...

Yeah, I was getting kinda bored with the onion. It's nice that one can read Dan Savage earlier then it is published in the Mercury, but the articles were starting to bore me. I remember the good old days, when the Onion was only available in print form, and one could only get it when one went to Madtown, WI. It was such a special treat. However, they did well this time, even giving me some Jim Anchower, whom I love, that little no-good pot head.