Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It's official!

I am a sea monkey killer. They've all died. So, I'm gonna order another kit, keeping this one out of the reach of cats. I'm rather optimistic. But I will wait until after Vegas, so no one has to take care of them.

I can't really think of anything else interesting, but here's a rundown of current events:

I walked out of my bar review lecture today. It was useless, pointless and it was a much better use of my time to leave. I still suck at the multiple choice questions, at least the million that I took today, but I have never taken the class entitled Evidence before, so that may be a factor. No excuse for the other ones.

To enable my evenings to be as mind numbing as possible (after 10 hours of studying), Steve just got Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas. I'm excited, especially since cable TV has finally been cancelled in this house. We've been talking about it for a while, but it has now been done. I just hope that it isn't turned off before the season opener of Reno 911. Now my entertainment will consist of video games and books. Likely more of the latter.

I thought that it would be a good idea to get into contact with some of my friends from high school and my brother and sister, thinking this summer I would have time to communicate with them, catch up. Alas, bar review is more work than I could have ever imagined. I'm always tired. Thus, I welcome them to my blog, so they may see how cynical about life and obsessed with sea monkeys I am. Hello folks.

So, a recent lawyer joke brought to my attention: what does a sperm and a lawyer have in common? Let's hear you try...answer will be provided in a couple of days...and pjr, you are disqualified from answering, but feel free to post other jokes.

On a good, ego-boosting note (which I can really use right now), my old boss emailed me asking for a copy of my paper on Oregon property tax that I wrote for my A paper. He wants the new clerks to have an idea of how things work. I think I spoiled him in my exuberance of tax law. Or perhaps he would like a reference document? hmmm, that makes me feel useful.

So....the lawyer joke - think of an answer. I'm gonna try and make this a more interactive blog.


Scriptsaurus said...

Both are little sexless squirmers with only 1/2 of a genome?

PS- Take a Stand Muthafuka! Take a muthafukin STAND!

thugwithyoyo said...

Only one in a million become a human being..? that's GOT to be it!

jkf said...

Thug WINS! Well done. Now just to try and become that one.