Monday, June 27, 2005

Need a break?

Go watch Land of the Dead. It's hilarious. Not quite as funny as Kung Fu Hustle (Gong fu), but both have the same amount of complete ridiculousness involved. I love when people don't take themselves too seriously and then make an entertaining movie. I like the serious ones too, but Lars Von Trier is rather difficult to wade through (especially when one just wants a brain break).

Sea monkeys are well, there are about 50-75 of them currently, only a few days old, but it is nice to see so much life in there. Sadly, the reason the last batch all died was a mysterious disease that took over the tank. I would like to get some Sea Medic, which destroys all the harmful bacteria in a tank, but it seems to be unavailable to purchase from anyone, anywhere. Messed up. So, we'll have to hope for the best with this batch. I think as long as they don't get dumped into the toilet, they may have a fighting chance.

I had an all day exam slated with the bar review course today. Alas, I chose to administer the exam myself at home. I don't know the substantive law well enough to get anything out of the exam, other than frustration and anxiety. In a move for mental health, I opted to get stuff done on my own. I have one month left before the bar. Funny, before a law school exam, I was prone to counting down the hours, and alloting what to learn based on that. The bar exam takes the same route, but this time I'm counting days. 30 hours (law school) = 30 days (bar exam). Arrrrgggghhh, so little time to learn so very much. But I'm on it.


thugwithyoyo said...

Gee Whiz you sure have to study HARD.

How'd you learn about the bacteria that destroyed your first sea monkey colony?

jkf said...

Well, there is this crazy sea monkey lady, that thinks she knows all about sea monkeys. However, there is some serious lacking of information on her site, so her title is dubious at best. I think her audience is children.

She talks of fluffy white clouds (I had those), black spots (had those, though not in resemblance to her description). I was surprised they lived so long in the toilet water/salt water mixture I un-scientifically created.

The bar is like 3.5 years (cuz you couldn't have taken all these classs in 3) of law school crammed into 2 months.