Friday, June 02, 2006

Even better...

Divorce PREP : Get CheckMate !: "Find out if she is cheating in minutes."

"Take a “quick check” if your gut instinct tells you she is fooling around...then you can plan.
Semen stains can be detected on unwashed articles for many years when stored at normal room temperature, so absolutely any garment of any color that you suspect has been stained with semen as the result of recent sexual activity can quickly, easily and accurately be tested with CheckMate.

The 5 Minute Test Kit is scientifically formulated to actually monitor your spouse’s sexual activity outside the relationship by detecting traces of semen that are left in the undergarments after sex."

Makes a girl wanna go lesbo.


Scriptsaurus said...

Which part makes a girl want to go gay? The checkmate part or the semen in the underpants part?

jkf said...

The paranoid male part.

jkf said...

The paranoid male part.