Saturday, July 22, 2006

Mormons are wack AWESOME!

I don't like to censor myself, but sometimes you bite the bullet for a cause.

And my newest cause. (Though that picture looks like something dirty is going on. Hands on the table guys.)

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that the video that I had up, while funny, was not accurate. The first minute anyway. IT was wack, not Mormons.

I take back the comment about crazy, but I would still like to say that Catholics ARE wack. That's just to alienate my other reader.

I think that is Jesus in the middle. And by Jesus, I mean the Mormon Jesus (he's a tricky one, making the Catholics look pretty silly).

And here is a better version of what MY truth is:

Cuz Starbuck is HOT.


Aaron said...

I got about a minute into this ridiculousness before I stopped it. Just send your questions through Tater to me at work and I'll give you the real story!


Scriptsaurus said...

I love it! Reminds me of a Frank Bakshi film I know and love. In other news, the dude's name is Adonai, not Elohim, but some just call him Superpants.

jkf said...

sorry Crap, I had to take that one down. You should link to that film you like though.

Aaron said...

I don't care what Tater says about you: I think you're great!

Anonymous said...

one small step for scientology

Scriptsaurus said...

Elohim knows we all strive for accuracy her in the blogosphere. And Satanists all drink the blood of babies.

jkf said...

Scientology's saving grace is Beck. That's it.

While I'm at it, Calvinists (Dutch Christian Reformed), Lutherans and Jehovah's Witnesses all suck too. Those I have first hand knowledge of. The rest of you religions, I don't really know you so well, and I'll stay away from you.

My favorite is still Catholicism. I find the pomp and circumstance soothing.

jkf said...

Scientology's saving grace is Beck. That's it.

While I'm at it, Calvinists (Dutch Christian Reformed), Lutherans and Jehovah's Witnesses all suck too. Those I have first hand knowledge of. The rest of you religions, I don't really know you so well, and I'll stay away from you.

My favorite is still Catholicism. I find the pomp and circumstance soothing.