Friday, January 13, 2006

Lost days

I have lost two days of studying. I was starting to really get on a roll, and then started throwing up. Then I got a migraine from having not eaten in so long. Normally, I just take my meds and the migraine goes away. Alas, I haven't any meds, nor any money to buy them without insurance. Thus, I took as many ibuprofen and aleve that I thought safe and had about 10 minutes where my head only felt a dull pain. For the rest of the night, I had to put a cold cloth over my eye just to tolerate it. Did I mention that migraines also make me throw up? Yep, so first the flu, then migraine. Perhaps someone wants me to lose weight? Yowzers.

However, I'm much better today, and gonna try and find some food to stave off any more migraines. And now I have to get some bloody work done. So much for going out tonight or skiing on Sunday. Looks like I'm stuck here.

And I should mention that you should never go to the Kenton post office. Besides the legions of old people that were there, making the process the slowest possible, they have a teller that loudly proclaimed that she never stays home when she is sick. Rather, she goes to work, and stays home when she is well, so that she can enjoy it. Lovely. Thanks for the flu, bitch.

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