Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Char flashback

Lookie what I've found on the amazing internets.

I'll provide links when I've been given permission. Otherwise, ya'll have to figure it out for yourselves.

I'd give some dough to see the link regarding "Fucking Caps."

Sadly, much is unavailable...yet the gist and heart are there.

Check out that sneer!

Update: I've been given permission. Click on the photo for instant access. Warning: content will be offensive to most readers.


There's a little thing called the wayback machine (through the internet archives), that has cached every website of all time. So, a quick search for came up with some interesting images. This is for you: Great Sandwich, Crapartist, Mr. Hands, your fans and the fans of Char, past and present. 2001 is the only year that has any substance, after that the site was allowed to lapse.


great sandwich! said...


you know, michelle took that picture on easter day after the great lenten drought of 1995.

jkf said...

"the great lenten drought of 1995"

I wish I knew what the hell that meant, likely it is funny.

great sandwich! said...

st carl, pretzel, and i gave up drinking for lent. that's right 40 days and 40 nights. i'll never do that again, not til judgment day.