Thursday, February 02, 2006

Musings made last night

Here is another of the fact patterns that I get to read:

"A movie, Last Rhumba in Havana, was critically acclaimed and received the coveted Golden Bratwurst award at the Sheboygan International Film Festival."

My boobop left for Mexico. One week with the family time-share. I'll get to go next time. For now, I get to stay home and have the house to myself. Well, me and Fife and Chloe and Jack. I'm planning on spending the whole time, gazing lovingly at the computer. I wonder what the animals think of us, watching TV or working on the computer. Especially me. I spend hours staring. And I think about how they basically do the same. I wonder what they are working at, what exam they are preparing for.

Plm (that's peglegmeg for those of you who aren't in the in) came over last night and made me chicken pot pie. Baxter came over too, to visit with Fife. PLM was gracious enough to listen to a lot of ramblings on many a subject. I forgot how nice it is to talk to people that don't live at my house. I have to get out more. We reminisced on the good old days (law school), which we realize we are VERY glad are behind us. What a hellish experience. Not recommended. And if I had known all I do now, I'd have been a superstar. I guess it helps to be humble and accept help from the beginning. Damn pride.

Oh, and new pics of Sam are up. He's exercising. I can't wait to meet the little guy.

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