Friday, February 03, 2006

Someone's must read list for literature

Here is a list that came up on my Google rss feed. I consider myself somewhat of an accomplished reader of literature, much more so than of fiction.

This list should be titled "Most boring reads in Literature." Must read them? I've read them all, and I think this list would be something that I would put together if I wanted to convince someone to never read another book. "Here, after this list you can read whatever you want." If that were my mandate, I would not do it. Television would be sufficient. Heck, there is always David Attenborough for mental stimulation.

Dubliners? Middlemarch? Really? Did this person actually read The Lord of the Rings? Booooooooring. Watch the movies. The only one I can recommend is The Voyage Out, but that's likely because I'm an ardent Woolf fan. Don Quijote is pretty good too, but please, the abridged version.

Rereading the list, they are some good classics. I just wouldn't put them on a list for others to look at as MUST reads. I think this would turn off more people than turn them on to reading. Unless they are unemployed, independently wealthy and enjoy torture. This type of list is only good for those that have read them all, so that they can gloat about it.

That said, what is your must read list? Nevermind, because I'm not going to read DUNE. Again, booooooring. Try some Kafka or Sommerset Maugham. That's scintillating . . . to me. Ah, to each his own I guess. I think we can all realize however that our favorites cannot necessarily be a must read for very many others. If a book really touches you, I mean reallllly touches you, then it is not likely a book for everyone, unless you are everyman. That said, what books do you think others really should read? And why? Not like anyone will answer, so I'll come up with and post a list when I'm back on planet earth. In the meantime....

Readers, I'm taking a break from the internet. I will have to check in every couple of days to keep a handle on email and those pesky bills, but otherwise, I'm taking the wireless card out of my laptop, and not turning on the main computer except to do the above-mentioned chores.

Wish me well with my bar exam immersion. Soon I will return to do battle with the most important endeavor of my life....the real-life, adult, career-defining, job search.

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