Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My dentist is HOT!

I love him. And he gets all angry when I tell him my last Dentist was an asshole and denies messing up my tooth. He's got my back.

(Though he's not nearly as HOT as my boyfriend, who really does have my back and the rest of me too).

On the other hand, the scraper lady seems to be a nazi. The office now has TVs on the chairs, so that I can watch TV while being tortured. Full cable nonetheless. Sweet, except for everytime I changed the channel, she made a little gasp, and I love to channel surf so there was a lot of gasping. She kept looking at the TV, and commenting. She made one comment that really angered me, when a guy kissed another on a reality TV show (he did so to piss off a really macho man). She emits, "GROSS!"

I don't like hearing people's opinion when they are working on my mouth. My first dentist visit as an adult occured while I was working on a Senate campaign. He told me ad nauseum about how Republicans were the best people ever and I was working for the devil. That's not a good idea. I wrote a scathing letter to the school that referred him, and they took him off their list.

If you are working with people, it is best to just not talk about politics or religion, unless you are working with a Tate.

So I get to the channel with Regis and Kathy Lee Jr, and she is riveted by an interview with Susanne Summers, who then sings (I'm now gasping in horror). I don't dare turn the channel. I think she paused for 3 minutes to watch. Not a good idea people out there that own businesses, to have TVs on where your workers can look. It's like a big shiny sparkling diamond, that no one can look away from. Like a light for moths.

Worst of all, the dentist comes in before I change the channel, and Mr. Hottie now thinks I like watching Regis and Kathy Lee Jr. Damn that woman.

I just wanted my teeth cleaned.

1 comment:

jkf said...

I'll holla back when I get the bill. His name is Robert "Super Hottie" Wagner if you wanna call and find out.