Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Witty, witty, legal references. Mention of family, so special. Insert political discussion and slight outrage. Mention church picnic and argument with the in-laws.

The more blogs I look at the more stupid they all seem. But the best thing I've seen: blogging about the bar exam, inbetween test dates.

So, it's just not proper to discuss the bar exam particulars. The purpose is this: you mention something that someone else didn't get or the opposite way around and someone is bound to get hurt. Don't want to mess with the ego. I don't like discussing, but sometimes it just happens (it was a will, res judicata are two that have over the years killed me). So, here, a person blogs about the exam before the second day has even begun! AMAZING! I'm not linking because I hope they don't know I exist in blog land. But.....come on. Same person that listed their grades received during law school. WTF? Makes for a good blog, but a good lesson on what ramifications may be.

And another blog rant: Where the hello have all those blogs gone? I know, summer time. Hopefully they will come back with the shorter days.

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