Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Well kids, I got plumb fed up with the free applications out there for photo sharing, Blogger included. Thus, I finally shelled out $25 to get a Flickr account that actually allows me to upload in batches, easily add captions, has a lovely preview utility that you see to your left, and it is so easy, so easy. You can even add comments to pictures, unless people are assholes, then that privilege will be revoked. Amen.

I'll be working on this for a while, so have some patience.

Update: Here's my link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jkf/, though I do believe you can just click on the Flash photos to the left.


great sandwich! said...

nice pics. i'm envious of your weekend. the highlight of mine was opening my new window.

Scriptsaurus said...

You have comcast right? You could just upload pics to your server space.

jkf said...

F comcast. Besides, I'm supposed to be working on my website too. I just wanted an easy, efficient fix. And for sure, this is it.

GS!, you should go camping this weekend.