Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Question about Mars

Within the last ten years, I've been notified no less than 5 different times that if I were to look to the East sky, I would see Mars larger than perhaps any human has ever seen Mars. This due to it being closer than ever, ever, ever. Well, each time I look at Mars, it is pretty interesting and to my naked eye, yes a bit bigger than it normally is. But if five years ago it was larger than it will be in 200 years and last weekend it was larger than it will be until 2087, well, I'm confused.

Is Mars going to collide with the Earth, and folks are trying to make us not worry by pretending that everytime it gets a bit closer that it is a once-in-a-lifetime sighting?

Hmmm, this I am very curious about.

In other news, I have a wicked micro-brew hangover. My head is pounding. I went to the Kickball Captain's meeting last night, and mistakenly drank some Mirror Pond, which always gives me a hellish headache the next day. Never again. Even worse, I made a damn sandwich. A Microbrew/Scotch/Corona sandwich. I broke two drinking rules in one night. And a hell of a lot of things to do today and tomorrow (including finishing a house painting project) before leaving for three weeks on vacation.

Kickball folks are kinda crazy, just so everyone knows. This will be an interesting endeavor.

Anyone know a good local catsitter?


Anonymous said...

Nikki is a top notch cat sitter, I believe, but I think she charges money. I am sure SHE wouldn't LOOSE Jack like some people did.

thugwithyoyo said...

Greetings JKF!

"Liquor before beer... never fear. Beer before liquor... always sicker." That's what I try to remember. Although I must testify, both sequences bring about wicked hangovers.

Crapartist has been complaining about is X-treme kickball induced soreness. You guys will all shape up soon! What field position do you play?

Scriptsaurus said...

I don't know about all that big marz shit, but if it's so fucking close in 200 years, let's send the peeps up to check it out then. And by 'then' I mean NEVER.

jkf said...

Jack does a pretty good job of losing himself. I would love to pay Nikki to take care of the critters. You should let me have her phone #.

great sandwich! said...

"i feel so small when i look at the stars,

how big is venus?
(how big is mars?)

i feel so small when i look at the sky,

how big is venus?
(how big am i?)"