Tuesday, August 09, 2005

There is a dent!

Oh goodness, our selling on ebay has hit a snag, oh yes, the MD player evidently had a dent in it. We'll see how that comes out. Who the hell buys a MD player these days anyway?

Weekend with the in-laws. Recovery day yesterday. It went better this weekend than past visits. I guess I'm learning to be an asshole too, yelling and screaming over everyone else. It also helped that I didn't endlessly want a cig. Speaking of which, 7 days without and 2 days off the patch. Some moments will make one want to sell the first born child, but overall, doing well.

Still painting the sandwich! house. Took a few days off though to deal with the inlaws and to recover from taking that bar exam (you may remember). I hope there will soon be a day when I actually enjoy the presence of others. First I need to take care of myself, thanks.

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