Tuesday, April 26, 2005

All is better

So, last night I gave up. Let the winds have my fate. I cursed god, and said, fuck it all. That was after of course finishing up the things I had to do. I wasn't giving up, just acknowledging that some things were beyond my control. And then today happened

1. I narrowly avoided missing a chance to turn my last ethics paper in.
2. My third letter of recommendation is definitely on its way.
3. I got a great parking spot, which made #1 possible.
4. My little sister e-mailed me back, and I have found out that the world did indeed turn in my absence - in fact seems that everyone is doing well, and those that are evil have gotten some of their just desserts - and tucked away in a corner of the country. I hereby swear never to return to Florida or Tennessee.
5. I am happy and refreshed now and can attack this paper with renewed vigor (that's a theory, like evolution, not a fact).
6. Another of my friends has jumped on the blog band wagon.
7. The sun is shining.

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