Sunday, April 10, 2005


Well, a good weekend. Boy and I decided that it would be best to have a weekend where we ignored the world. Which we did, with lovely results.

The only snag was on Friday night when we decided to take the MAX downtown. As we left the house there was a feller that was spouting bible verses, so we waited and I went back inside to get some hats, at which point the man dropped his manual lawnmower and charged at Steve, who handled the affair admirably. I struggled to get the dead-bolt unlocked so that we could escape into the house while Steve talked the guy out of killing him (he saw me struggling with the lock and brilliantly chose the non-violent path). It was rather exciting.

Lesson learned: I should have immediately went for a gun or baseball bat instead of the phone. (I imagine getting both, throwing the gun to Steve, while I beat lawnmower man with the bat and Steve cocks the gun and pins him to the ground while I call 911.) While it is a good idea to call 911, they would have been too late, self-defense would have been a much better route. Anyway, Steve calmed him down, he apologized, realizing that we weren't "trespassing against" him, and went on his way. Oddly, he lives in the neighborhood and has stopped by before, a little off, but we didn't realize his level of crazy.

So we went out, had fun, with a bit of a new lease on life and ended up lying about on Saturday, though cleaning and modifying the house (teak room has even more teak). Again, me getting nothing done as far as school work, which scares me. I'm really in trouble right now, but I just need to get it in gear. Lord, help me.

And tomorrow jury duty. I should have just asked them to excuse me. I don't have time for this, no matter how I want it. Oh well, I'll be up hella early tomorrow to tell them that I guess.

And the best was last week my evil step-father called the law school to pass on a message to call him. Nice. I haven't talked to him for several years, using his bigotry as an excuse to never talk to him again. The message unnerved me a bit, but I was able to overcome with a healthy dose of friends telling me to ignore it and not give up the control I have taken so long to establish. Which is what I will do.

Bonus, I was motivated to find addresses for my little half-brother and sister, the only two in my massive family I still have hope for. We'll see if I ever decide to contact them. I've just been so disappointed in the past with the people in my family, any goodness I remember has been ruined by reality. I really can't wait until they all die (the parental units anyway). The others know enough to leave me alone.

Oh well, at least I'm not spouting bible verses, walking with a lawnmower and attacking people. Not yet at least.


thugwithyoyo said...

Whoa. Whereabouts does this fabled "lawnmower man" roam may I be so bold to inquire? Tormenting him sounds about as fun as my usual Friday night entertainment: hucking garbage at club going 'caps' in the act of urinating in parking garages. Committing a "drive-by fruiting" on some unsuspecting Smart Park peeer is a real healthy way of releasing hostility. I do worry though, that as Steve found out, catching the guy on the wrong night might prove hazardous.

great sandwich! said...

methinks o'tatelan has met with some karmic payback. even steven?

jkf said...

true that...i didn't think about his payback karma needs. funny. And if you wanna find lawnmower man...just come on over to nopo. He'll be out and about mowing lawns...more specifically, we found out he lives only several doors down...