Sunday, April 24, 2005


So, to get on Google, you gotta ask for it. So, I did, and I love what comes up when you type in thebestamancanget (without spaces):

"Drunken Bläagen-DazsThis is a blog. I am not responsible for its content. What is published here is entirely due to the grace of the gods and by the mercy of the cylons. - 41k - Cached - Similar pages "

Hahahahaha, sounds like I actually like sci-fi. I was gonna do a changing the name of the blog as my mood fit, this seemed to create a revolution when I did it with IM, however, I like how Drunken Blaagen-Dazs looks on goooooooooooogle, so I'll stick with it for now.

1 comment:

thugwithyoyo said...

Let me extend to you my congratulations in your googlization. I think that you and crapartist, being the legitimate bloggers that you now are, should do something appropriate to celebrate. My suggestion: include porn keywords on your site to re-route some of that traffic your way! Lemme know how it goes!