Thursday, May 12, 2005

about damn time, sign me up please

'Memory pill' for the forgetful


great sandwich! said...


what do you think the chances are that this drug increases risk of ischemia?

Scriptsaurus said...

Not sure. I imagine that anything that doesn't actually cause excitotoxic damage might in fact 'innoculate' the system against such things. I understand that these ampa glutamate receptor modultors (ampakines) can be pretty strong, but it would depend on the drug. I don't know specifically how they work. I wouldn't take it with a hangover though, it might give you a seizure.

Who can guess what the consequences of long-term use would be. I'd imagine that, since glu transmission via ampa receptors is so important in the mammalian brain, the system should organize some compensatory response. I figure that this fella is probably right about these drugs not being habit forming, but not for the reason stated in the article. It appears that these drugs can actually down-regulate the dopaminergic reward pathway that is hyper-activated in addictions. They also can down-regulate dopamine in striatum hence these drugs are typically studied as hopeful pharmacotherapies for schizophrenia.

CX717 isn't in the literature that I can see, but a related drug CX516 has been studied a bit and it does seem to enhance learning and memory in rodents...and maybe in humans too. I can't wait to try some.

jkf said...

Damn you kids and your fancy talk.

You folks are hereby officially my external harddrives for everything scientific.

Currently, I just want to know why the damn Lochner era decimated due process examination of economic regulation. Though it does make my outline smaller than it could have been. Facists.