Monday, May 09, 2005


So, I've mentioned how my power cord on my laptop is fried. So, I intend to use Tater's computer for finals. At home I usually use the desktop upstairs, but tonight I decide it would be a good idea to work a bit on the tater's laptop and become more familiar with it.

Well, Word keeps crashing. So, ok, lost that objective vs. subjective four times, about time I run a virus check. Three trojan files on the computer. Lovely. And though they have been deleted, the computer keeps crashing a few minutes into any outlining. Just word though. Think tater put a pox on my using Word, because he prefers notepad.

Hmmmm, so I'm running the full virus check (had to turn the computer off several times), and not touching Word. Hopefully, the computer will find the bad guys and all will be well for tomorrow's final. Otherwise I will be driving around town looking for a damn power cord. POOP.


jkf said...

update, it's almost 4:00...still checking. Boy got up though, said he didn't put a pox on Word, and is running all sorts of checks. We'll see if it works out.

Lesson - so many, you know them, do them.

Anonymous said...

check your email and with dell about the power cord if you have not already done so.

thugwithyoyo said...

X-treeeme ass. Finding/keeping specifically tailored power supplies with thier associated machines is the bane of all of laptopdom. I feel your pain. Curse the demanding power requirements of modern digital electronics. Arrrgh