Thursday, May 05, 2005


My self-loathing is at an all time high. I would not recommend law school to anyone, least of all anyone with a fragile ego. Nothing like taking a three point five hour exam that your entire grade depends upon, and feeling like an idiot when you are done, then taking it out on your friends through a drinking binge and obnoxious public hysterics. Ahhh, the joys of law. And I just wanted to make the world a better place. Thank you law school for taking away any remnants of innocence that hadn't been destroyed by those years in Southern Door.

Now my choices for today are:
1. Crawl into bed, assume fetal position and wait out the feelings of despair, until they are overwhelmed by the feeling of anxiety about failing the next exam. (So healthy!)
2. Start drinking.
3. Go downtown for some consumer therapy.
4. Study for the next exam, cuz I'm gonna need to do well on the that one to offset the grade I'll get on the last one. And I sure would like to graduate.
5. Take care of errands, like paying bills and calling the tax court clerk.
6. Drink while I am doing any or all of the above.


Anonymous said...

was rb that bad?

jkf said...


jkf said...

Thanks BB, I wasn't gonna mention that part. Glad you enjoyed the show however. I was happy to oblige.

Scriptsaurus said...

You didn't put a hole in the fly-freaker-outer. You didn't cause permanent damage. I recommend a 1/4 tab of Flexeril(TM) to apply some GABAergic self-love to the brainstem.

Anonymous said...

"remnants of innocence that hadn't been destroyed by those years in Southern Door."

jkf said...

Right, right, Riley's Bay. No, it wasn't that bad, in itself. More the things that happened to occur while I was there. My mother betraying me, etc.

And I did have hella crazy fun at George's. I was just amazed at my level of stress that night. Washer football RULEZ!