Friday, May 27, 2005


So, to continue my paranoia, I woke from a dream this morning where I was in the middle of a final and went to the bathroom. While I was there, a professor started talking to me, and made me go for coffee. I then found out I was the possessor of the time piece of Alcazar. But I lost the timepiece. So there was a revolution, the whole world in turmoil, and I stuck forever with this unfinished final. Time still marched, though horribly slowly. One hour remained to finish the exam, and the world to save. Oh goodness. Best part: I was so much more concerned with the final that it made saving the world ancillary.

Anyway, I woke up, and checked my e-mail, hopefully for the last time, to see if the registrar had sent me an "unfinished business" letter that would say I wasn't really gonna graduate. There was naught. So, looks like all will be well.

If you wanna see a movie...go see Kung Fu Hustle. What a refreshing gem. I'm still giggling about it. Funny, clever, absurd and well-put together. It's not your ordinary movie. A pleasant surprise. Well, off to do nothing all day. YEAY!

1 comment:

thugwithyoyo said...

I'm terribly envious that you are fortunate enough to remember your dreams. Also, that you now get to do nothing. Ha ha, your finals have probably significantly altered your brain chemistry.

The last dream I remember involved an elevated train and a bionic female assassin who hunted me with a hay hook.

Kung Fu Hustle is the straight up scheisse, yo. Glad to learn that someone else enjoyed it as much as I did.