Monday, May 02, 2005

darn it all

So, I finally connected with the tax court magistrate. What a lovely fellow. What a shitty fellow though that is the tax court judge. Damn it all, sounds like I won't want to be working there. Oh well. He gave me some names of firms I should try (though saying, look at Stoel isn't real helpful). Shit, now it's like fishing for northern with a worm. Good luck. At least with the tax court, I had an in. Now I gots nothing but hitting the pavement. And the county counsel are gonna get used for who they know coming up here purdy quick. Good thing that people generally like me, maybe someone will realize my full potential and give me a shot. Wish I knew more people, I guess. Thing is, now I'm wondering about looking into other areas of the law. I want tax, but does tax want me? I don't even like any other law. They all annoy me. Shit, I guess it's time to hit career services. I like admiralty, and elder law. The latter at least has some attendant tax issues. damnation.

1 comment:

jkf said...

I have taken wills and trusts, estate and gift tax, elder law, every class that is remotely connected to issues of taxation (and incidently, old people - they do have the most wealth generally speaking). I have not taken partnership tax, I'm pretty sure I can figure that one out on my own.

I'm ready, I'm willing. I just need to attend to my most immediate concerns and then I'll worry about a job. la de da. Just seems rather difficult to break into the field of tax. They way I want to anyway. I have lots of other cards up my sleeve though, and tax court certainly wasn't an ace. no probs, really, just that the first one is a dud, and a job is hella nicer to worry about than corporate tax.