Wednesday, May 11, 2005

righteous anger and furious vengance

Wow, finals leave me hella angry.

I'm so sick of everything. I'm so glad those around me are so forgiving of my finals mood swings. Sucks though, being angry and feeling guilty for being so. Everyone has to walk on eggshells, and that isn't fair. I'm not rational during finals, snapping at everyone, when no one can remotely guess what I want. Everyone trying to make me happy and I'm never satisified.

So, a hearty "I'm sorry" to everyone out there that has to deal with me.

I mentioned to a friend a couple of days ago, that soon I will be back to normal. Law school (and these last three years) has unfortunately (or fortunately) made me a different person. There is no going back to normal. Sad. This is what you get. Hopefully though I will be not so stressed out by the idiot mental boot camp that is law school anymore. And if I have my way, some day I'll try and change this stupid system and give people that want to actually practice law a more fulfilling educational experience. Because I've learned little in these three years from the actual academic angle. lame.

So, a new me emerging from an ordeal. My future unfolding in front of me. Exciting and scary. Who will I be? Who the hell knows. Wait and see.

1 comment:

thugwithyoyo said...

I too get a quite mood swingy/ forgetful/aggrovated in times of intense stress; I know exactly what you mean. I snap at people for ridiculous reasons without my even being angry with them.

Hang in there. I'm certain your regular, happy personality will return soon. Mine always does.