Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The situation: You have NO idea when your significant other's mum's birthday is/was. You've been dating significantly long enough that you are co-habitating. Your significant other sends a last minute birthday present to his/her mother. He/she signs the card, but does not add your name.

Was this an incredibly thoughtless thing to do? Or a mere oversight?


great sandwich! said...

when you're dealing with a man, there's no difference between the two.

Aaron said...

A mere oversight in my opinion. Of course, I work with your significant other and I can tell you that his "bucking for a promotion" push leaves him little time or mental CPU for anything other than brown nosing.

Scriptsaurus said...

My opinion is that if I care about my s.o.'s mom's birthday and want to send her a card or be included, then it's my responsibility to know when the date is and get it done.

ps. if it was a woman, then it's neither, it's just that she failed in using her inbred mind-reading powers. Or she's just stupid.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Craparrtist. I may have to revise my good opinion of you given you anti-woman comments. That said, I think it was a mere oversight, but your s.o. should be more sensitive to the fact that mommas always think that the woman their precious son is with is always trying to usurp her coveted position as #1 female in said son's life. Considering that she will always hate you for that, the fact that your name wasn't on the card just gives her more justification for not liking you.....she would have found enough anyway, so no harm done.

jkf said...

Thanks to all except Crapartist for their input. I'll be easier on the guy the next time around. I just think that sort of thing (signing a card) isn't very hard to do and something that I have covered him for many times in the past (and notified him of having done so).

GS: right on, I keep forgetting.
Nature's revenge: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

As for Crap's statements, seriously, let's keep it real. The reason S should have added my name was because our relationship is generally understanding of this sort of situation. Or I am at least. I don't expect him to remember every important thing in my life, I take care of that for him. I only ask that those I care for have my back when I need it. The issue was that he didn't think that there was any problem with not including my name. I'm not asking anyone to be psychic, just think about things, unless you think that is too difficult for men to do?

Anonymous hit the nail on the head, but still, this all makes me look like an ass (to mum). The harm is done and pretending it doesn't matter just adds insult to injury.

Scriptsaurus said...

My appologies to whomever misunderstood my little retaliation (firing back at Charbot as I do). No unprovoked mysogyny intended I assure you.

And I'm sorry that my opinion didn't suit you JKF. It wasn't meant to sound gruff. On a side note, I didn't even realize that this was a plea for advice. I took it literally as a hypothetical. Dumb me. It must have been my testicles acting up and blocking sense of consideration.