Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I have a halloween costume. Oh my, it will be wonderful. Steve and I are going as a duo, and we're rehearsing! Invite me to your party and perhaps we'll show up and be the entertainment. You'll be awfully sad if you don't.

I'm finally done painting V's bedroom. It took a lot more prep work than I thought and a double coat on the trim, which sucks. But it looks fantastic, so all is well.

This weekend was a wash. We did nothing, didn't want to. Just a weekend in. This weekend will be much better.

I've really done nothing else. Planning for Halloween and painting have been the only thing other than kickball that I have been doing. I'll try and get some pics of the costumes for you. If anyone could tell me how to post videos on the blog, I'll make a movie of it.


thugwithyoyo said...

Aww Man... You have to let me know how your two person constume ensemble goes. I wish I could be in Portland this Hallow's Eve. [boo-hoo!]

Scriptsaurus said...

You should be able to upload it to your comcast storage and link to it. It should play automatically. Did you decide to rig up that gitar like we discussed? Or is there now a better ider?